Sunday, October 30, 2011

Life as a ridden pony

Played with a tarpaulin this morning and for the first time the saying "Cause your idea to be the horses ideas, but understand his ideas first" really hit me with the truth :) Previously I would have pushed Jazzy until she went on the tarp. Today however I understood she was scared of the noise, the look and the unpredictability of the tarp. I recognized she was inquisitive but not confident so we worked on developing curiosity by yo-yoing, in the end she was like LET me look AT IT!! Lol then without we asking or even expecting it she just walked over it. She pawed it and picked it up in her teeth, didn't even really stress about it. I had picked her as a RBE- but looking at how I have been approaching her I think I with my RBE personality and thinking I caused her to be that horsenality..... hmm food for thought :)

WOW- our relationship is getting sooooo strong already just from me changing my attitude. SOOO proud of us both :) I rode Jazzy for the first time today. I had sat on her back alot and she was happy with me up there but wasnt so keen to move. Today though she just did it. We started off the session playing touch it and squeeze game with the saddle and blue barrels. Soo much fun and she was having fun tooo!!!

Friday, October 7, 2011

Saturday 08 October 2011

Yay the sun is out!!! Jazzy has been coming along well. Had a wee vet visit a few weeks back with bacterial conjunctivitis and she was very good about having the 3 daily eye cream put in!

She is starting to look stunning and she knows it, is feeling good! This pony has so much personality, her latest trick is being caught, then while I am catching the others she runs off and chases Danny away, then plays around a bit before she will be re-caught!

Jazzy is very 'expressive' and super 'sensitive' at this stage. She seems to always be on her toes ready to flee, which gives me food for thought in respect to the way I work with her. She is what I call quiet but flighty at the same time. I expect part of this is her nature, but will still work with her and get her using the thinking side of her brain.

I have hopped up and sat on Jazzy quite a few times with no stress and we have walked around a bit with just the halter on. Before I continue with her ridden education I intend to get her ground work much better. She has not had consistent work so far in her life, so thats the plan now that the weather is fine and my studies are winding down.